Michael Mosimann wird Partner bei Eversheds Sutherland AG

Dr. Michael Mosimann wurde per Anfang 2021 Partner der Eversheds Sutherland AG. Er ist Mitglied des Teams Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions von Eversheds Sutherland und ist in den Bereichen M&A, Vertragsrecht sowie Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht tätig. Zudem ist er Teil des Startup-Desks, welche die Kanzlei in der Schweiz betreibt.

Dr. Michael Mosimann hat jahrelange Erfahrung in der Begleitung nationaler und internationaler Investoren bei Venture Capital-Finanzierungen und Private M&A Transaktionen. Da er auch vielfach für Startups und deren Gründer tätig ist, kennt er beide Seiten des Investitionsprozesses und kann diesen entsprechend effizient führen. Er unterstützt die Klienten der Eversheds Sutherland AG während des gesamten Investitionsprozesses und steht ihnen während der Haltedauer, dem Exit und darüber hinaus zur Verfügung. Dabei gilt sein besonderes Interesse Social Responsible Investments (SRI) und im Speziellen Impact Investments, zu welchen er promoviert hat.

Zudem ist Dr. Michael Mosimann Experte für regulatorische und gesellschaftsrechtliche Fragen im Blockchain-Bereich. Er berät Gründer aus dem Crypto-Bereich in allen rechtlichen Angelegenheiten und hilft ihnen, ihr privates und öffentliches Token-Angebot (sog. Initial Coin Offering oder ICO) zu planen, vorzubereiten und durchzuführen. In seinen Tätigkeitsgebieten referiert er auch sehr häufig.

CV Dr. Michael Mosimann

Dr. Michael Mosimann schloss sein Jurastudium an der Universität Zürich 2008 ab und absolvierte ein Nachdiplomstudium in Vancouver, Kanada (LL.M., 2014). 2018 verlieh ihm die Universität Zürich seinen Doktortitel. Sein Anwalts- und Notariatspatent des Kantons Zug erwarb er 2011.

Dissertation von Dr. Michael Mosimann

Dr. Michael Mosimann promovierte an der Universität Zürich mit der Dissertation zum Thema «Corporate, Contractual, and Selected Other Legal Aspects of Impact Investments». Die Dissertation ist seinen Eltern gewidmet.

Die Dissertation beginnt mit der folgenden Einleitung: «When I first encountered the term and the concept “impact investing,” I immediately recognized and believed in its potential to address the social and ecological problems the world faces nowadays. Back then, I had already worked as a transaction lawyer in the venture capital and private equity business for a couple years. I had realized that plenty of wealthy individuals, either independently or together with others in the form of investment funds, were willing to invest in young companies with promising business ideas. These investors were not interested in simply giving away their money, but wanted to put their money to work in order to support a business. So what if they were convinced to invest in businesses that set out to address social or ecological problems? Not only could they generate a profit, but they would also contribute to the solution or at least alleviation of such problems, thereby complementing efforts that have been undertaken by philanthropic institutions with the support of donations. Doing well and doing good at the same time seemed to be a compelling investment strategy. But why had impact investing not become a mainstream investment strategy, instead remaining a niche concept? Several international reports I had read mentioned different impediments that prevented impact investing from becoming mainstream. Among others, corporate and tax legal concerns, in particular with regard to corporate forms available for investments, were mentioned several times. Most reports complained that there was simply no suitable corporate form to generate distributable profits and positive impacts at the same time. Having had the feeling that this complaint is not appropriate with regard to Swiss law, I decided to make a humble contribution to the expected success of impact investing and to engage in an analysis of legal aspects of direct impact investments in Switzerland. On my research journey, I was fortunate to receive the support of different persons to whom I owe my deepest appreciations. Among them are family members, friends, colleagues from work, library mates, and many others that have to remain undisclosed due to the lack of space but deserve a big thankyou. First and foremost, I would like to offer my enduring gratitude to Prof. Dr. Claire Huguenin, LL.M., for her valuable input, and her support. Accepting my personal working habits, she has always been available for fruitful talks X – Preface and Acknowledgements and discussions throughout the entire project. Unfortunately, health issues forced her to step down as my supervisor and prevented her from reviewing and accepting my dissertation. However, this does not diminish her efforts in any way. Fortunately, Prof. Dr. S. Kern Alexander was willing to take over as reviewing supervisor and Prof. Dr. Adrian Künzler accepted to become the second reader. In a tremendously expedite manner, they reviewed the thesis and provided their expert opinions necessary for the approval of my thesis. I owe them my particular appreciation for taking on these roles on such short notice and for the fast completion of the approval process. Furthermore, I would like to thank Xenia Athanassoglou for the review of the excursus on charitable legal entities from a tax point of view. Further thanks belong to Wenger & Vieli Ltd. and its partners for offering me the opportunity to add another year of research after my LL.M. year in Vancouver and to do this dissertation. In particular, I owe thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Zürcher, LL.M., and Dr. Beat Speck, LL.M., for their critical review of my drafts, their valuable inputs and their general support. Additional thanks belong to my family, i.e. my wife Romana and the three kids Jorina, Kyra, and Mian for their support, patience and… everything else. Finally, my parents, Christa and Dr. Rudolf Mosimann, deserve my neverending appreciation and thanks for their enduring and unconditional support, not only in connection with this dissertation, but also throughout my life. If I had not had such great examples, I would not have arrived where I am now. This thesis was submitted to the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich for approval in February 2017. Only case law and literature available at that time have been considered.»


Dr. Michael Mosimann ist Mitglied der Regulatory Working Group der Crypto Valley Association und Vorstandsmitglied der Swiss Impact Investment Association SIIA. Zudem ist er Mitglied der European Social Enterprise Law Association.



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