Advestra berät Grou­pe Bru­xel­les Lam­bert beim Erwerb einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung an Sanoptis

Grou­pe Bru­xel­les Lam­bert (“GBL”) hat eine bin­den­de Ver­ein­ba­rung zum Erwerb einer Mehr­heits­be­tei­li­gung an San­op­tis von Tele­m­os Capi­tal abge­schlos­sen. GBL stellt für die­se Trans­ak­ti­on bis zu 750 Mil­lio­nen EUR an Eigen­ka­pi­tal zur Ver­fü­gung. San­op­tis ist der zweit­gröss­te euro­päi­sche Anbie­ter von augen­ärzt­li­chen Dienst­leis­tun­gen, mit mehr als 250 Ein­rich­tun­gen in Deutsch­land und der Schweiz, die sowohl gesetz­lich als auch pri­vat ver­si­cher­te Pati­en­ten versorgen. Adves­tra agiert als Schwei­zer Rechts­be­ra­te­rin von GBL in die­ser Trans­ak­ti­on.

Team von Advestra

Das Team von Advestra besteht aus Beda Kauf­mann, Alex­an­der von Jein­sen, Anna Capaul und Alex­an­der Fisch (alle Cor­po­ra­te | M&A).

Information von Groupe Bruxelles Lambert

Die Groupe Bruxelles Lambert informiert wie folgt über die Transaktion:

Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (“GBL”) has signed definitive agreements to acquire a majority stake in Sanoptis, a leading network of ophthalmology clinics across Germany and Switzerland, from Telemos Capital (“Telemos”).

GBL is committing up to EUR 750 million in equity for this transaction. As part of the transaction, the incumbent management will increase its stake in the company by way of a substantial reinvestment.

GBL and management plan to continue together the impressive growth story of Sanoptis, both in existing markets as well as in new, attractive European geographies. Founded in 2018, Sanoptis has rapidly grown to become the second largest European ophthalmology services provider with over 250 facilities, serving both publicly and privately insured patients. For GBL and management, the ambition will be to continue Sanoptis’ growth organically and through acquisitions. The company will remain focused on adhering to the highest quality standards while delivering essential medical services of the highest grade to the German and Swiss population in partnership with local regulators and payors. Further growth will increase the depth and breadth of these high-quality services.

Sanoptis has a unique business model; it targets active partnerships with leading surgeons who remain shareholders in their clinics after joining the Sanoptis group. Within its network, Sanoptis drives growth by: (i) sharing medical and other best practices while preserving the doctors’ autonomy and (ii) implementing cutting-edge medical innovations while investing in top-notch equipment.

GBL strongly believes in this partnership model and envisions to further grow Sanoptis along the same strategy.

This transaction marks GBL’s second consecutive private investment in the healthcare sector in 2022. Healthcare is one of GBL’s four focus investment sectors, along with consumer experience, technology and sustainability.

The Sanoptis transaction also corresponds to GBL’s ambition to increase the representation of controlled private and alternative assets within its portfolio. The group’s long-term objective is that private and alternative investments account for approximately 40% of its portfolio (versus 25% as of end 2021).

Ian Gallienne, CEO of GBL, commented: “As a private asset in the highly-attractive healthcare sector, Sanoptis is an excellent fit with our investment strategy. Together with management, we look forward to further solidifying Sanoptis’ leadership positions in its core markets as well as expanding into other European countries.”

Michal Chalaczkiewicz, GBL Investment Partner, added: “Sanoptis is at the forefront of the ophthalmology field, which is supported by long-term, resilient growth, underpinned by secular trends. We believe Sanoptis’ unique partnership model with doctors is its most important asset, which will support the continuation of its impressive growth trajectory.”

Jens Riedl, GBL Investment Partner responsible for the DACH region, stated: “After our acquisition of Canyon, the fast-growing direct-to-consumer manufacturer and seller of premium bicycles, Sanoptis is our second private investment in DACH, where we have the opportunity to team up with an exceptional team of entrepreneurs.”

Volker Wendel, Founder and CEO of Sanoptis: “We are excited to continue our success story with a strong and sustainable partner who fully supports our doctor-oriented culture and entrepreneurial strategy. Continuing business in the same way as we did in the last four years, we see a lot of potential for future growth in DACH and other European countries. That’s why management remains fully committed and will substantially increase its stake in the company.”

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