Walder Wyss berät Credit Suisse (Schweiz) bei Finanzierung von Unlimitrust Campus

Walder Wyss hat die Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG bei der hypothekarisch besicherten Finanzierung der SQUARE ONE SA beraten, wobei die Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG als Koordinator, Dokumentationsagent, Agent, Sicherheitsagent und Kreditgeber ein Bankenkonsortium leitete. Die Finanzierung unterstützt die zukünftige Entwicklung des Unlimitrust Campus der SICPA Holding SA, dem weltweit ersten Campus, der sich der Economy of Trust widmet. Der Unlimitrust Campus in Prilly wird das Vertrauen im Allgemeinen fördern und neue Ideen, neue Kooperationen und die Entwicklung neuer Vertrauenstechnologien fördern.

Team von Walder Wyss

Walder Wyss hat die Credit Suisse (Switzerland) AG in allen rechtlichen Aspekten der Transaktion beraten. Das Team von Walder Wyss wurde von David Borer (Partner, Banking Finance) und Luc Defferrard (Partner, Banking Finance) geleitet und umfasste weiterhin Valentin Wiesner (Managing Associate, Banking Finance), Maurus Winzap (Partner, Tax), Rafal Szala (Managing Associate , Banking Finance) und Maximilian Hochreiter (Trainee, Banking Finance).

Über den Unlimitrust Campus

Die Website vom Unlimitrust Campus enthält u.a. folgende Beschreibungen:

The unlimitrust campus lies at the heart of a vibrant local ecosystem with global ambitions, bringing together technology providers and users to accelerate innovation and adoption, and combining fair and ethical rules to unite the concepts of economy and trust.

Unlimitrust is about harnessing the combined power of investment and entrepreneurial imagination to build trust. As physical and digital interactions merge, governments, businesses and citizens face a growing set of challenges – digital complexity and data security threats, a lack of trust in digital and physical delivery systems, concerns raised by socio-political factors in terms of ethics, transparency and social disparities, and more. These challenges call on individuals and organisations to co-create in order to shape a more secure world.

In response, SICPA, the leading provider of security inks as well as secure authentication, identification, traceability and supply-chain solutions, aims to advance the Economy of Trust worldwide. The campus will promote trust in the broadest sense, encouraging new ideas, new collaborations and the development of new trust technologies.

Our campus is designed to meet the high ambitions of the unlimitrust community while providing an engaging, collaborative work environment. Uniquely, the campus strikes the right balance between enabling members to interact while maintaining the necessary level of privacy, with exceptional security features.

The campus offers a flexible, high-performance workplace designed to attract and retain talent, with a variety of meeting rooms featuring new technologies plus shared amenities for tenants such as cafés, a lounge and recreational spaces.

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