Prof. Dr. Luc Thévenoz ist Professor an der Universität Genf und geniesste einen internationale Ruf. Er war früher Mitglied der Übernahmekommission sowie bei der Vorläuferorganisation der FINMA tätig.
Philippe Bärtsch, Managing Partner von Schellenberg Wittmer äussert sich wie folgt: „Luc Thévenoz, an acclaimed and accomplished lawyer, is a strong addition to our already top-tier team. We are thrilled that he has decided to bring his adept expertise to our Banking & Finance practice. Luc has built an eminent career, and his groundbreaking expertise, especially within the forefront of legal academia will only continue to expand Schellenberg Wittmer’s capabilities to advise in the most complex of matters„.
Prof. Thévenoz erwiedert hierzu: „I am very proud to join Schellenberg Wittmer, a very successful firm and a wonderful team dedicated to its clients. I share their values and spirit and I am delighted that my own practice will benefit from the breadth and depth of the firm’s expertise„.